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The following testimonies of sexual assault were the bedrock of the campaign to mandate consent education in the national curriculum. They were voluntarily sent to Teach Us Consent by those who emphatically believe that inadequate consent education was the reason for the sexual abuse they experienced during or soon after school. Indivually and collectively, these lived experiences were pivotal in laying bare the breadth and depth of rape culture to policy makers in Australia.

Please note dates are the graduating years. Victim-survivors and perpetrators will remain anonymous.

Trigger warning: sexual assault
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I was at a party and I really liked this guy who I'd gotten with before. He said he'd sleep with me if I also slept with his friend- I agreed and we did so. The boys filmed the incident without my consent and showed it to boys at their school. They refused to delete the video and my friends and I had to drive to one of the boys house and watch him delete it from his computer.


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Was sexually assaulted multiple times to and from school. Also during school events like swimming carnival . A suspension of 1 day was given to one of the perpetrators. A suspension of 3 days to the other. Unbelievable !


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I was sexually assaulted by a boy when I was 16. I was at a party with friends and we went upstairs. I told him a number of times I didnt want to have sex with him, but he wouldnt let me go back down until we had. He messaged me in the morning and told me he "couldnt guarantee i wasnt pregnant". None of my friends could understand how it could have been non consentual and I had to justify myself for a long time afterwards. In particular, I was told by a few of my guy friends that it "couldnt have been that bad". It took me a long time to be able to realise that what had happened was wrong, mainly because no one around me was able to identify that it was either and they werent supportive as a result. This has had a huge impact on my mental health over the years and my ability to have relationships with people and be vulnerable.


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At a 21st birthday party a mate I knew since primary school and I were in the hot tub chatting. He started sliding his hand up my thigh. I first removed his hand, then when he put it back I said nah don't, and then when he put it back again I said I don't want you to touch me like that it's not our relationship. He put his hand back and said no no don't worry about it it's nothing. I got up and left. I told everyone about it and I lost most of my friends from school who thought I was being difficult and trying to start drama by telling people.


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In year 9 I dated a boy for about 6 months. I really trusted this boy, and he was on the quieter side, never pressured me into doing anything and always made me feel super comfortable around him. One night I sent him a photo of me in my bra and didn't think too much of it, trusting it wouldn't be shown to anyone else. A few months later we broke up - it was amicable and we didn't have much to do with each other after that. 3 years later I met another boy and while chatting to him he suddenly stopped and said 'OH you're the one with the big tits!' I was absolutely mortified realizing that my photo from 3 years ago had come back to bite me.


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I was partying in Kings cross and met a guy when I was 18. I was very drunk and invited him back to my hotel. I was on my period and proceed to tell him couldn't and I said 'No, I can't', he proceeded to say 'come on' as he ripped my clothes off and raped me while I was on my period. My friends at the time still don't know what happened to this day. I thought it was my fault because I was drunk and invited him back. Took me a long time to realise that it was in fact rape and not my fault.


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He was my boyfriend at the time, in fact, he was my first boyfriend and we were both virgins. Throughout our relationship he would always pressure me into doing sexual things with him, he would always repeatedly ask if he could see me naked/topless and if he could touch my breasts/butt. My answer was always no until he started touching me without even asking anymore. One day when we were together sitting on a hill in a park he kept trying to put his hands below the waistbelt of my tights that I was wearing. I kept saying no and pulling his hand away. He tried 4-5 times before he shoved his hand underneath my underwear and started masturbating me. I was so shocked from the pain and the action of what he has just done that I stopped saying no, but I never once said yes. He continued until he had enough. I always thought because he was my boyfriend that its okay and he had a right to do that. It wasnt until a speaker came to my school and clearly outlined what the lawful definition of rape and sexual assult is. The worst part is he probably didnt know what he was doing was wrong, and he will probably never know until proper education is put in place.


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As a young female who experienced SA throughout school. I think consent would lay the foundation to teach what is right and wrong and set a framework on how to say no and how to get help. This would have saved years of shame and guilt.


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It was 2014 schoolies and I had been out partying at a friends place. I had been fooling around with a boy and ended up falling asleep in his bed. I woke up to him having sex with me. I remember being shocked and asking if he had a condom on but that's it, I just lay there hoping he would finish soon. It took me years to realise it was not my fault or anything that I had done but instead it was rape, he had raped me.


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I was assaulted many times during high school. The first was when the boy I was dating (I was 12) was going around calling me frigid for not getting with him so he and his friends made a plan to push me into him on the stair well so I would kiss him. It felt disgusting. The next was when I was a little older with my first proper boyfriend (aged 14) and I was in a position where I was fingered without my consent. I froze. I didn't know what to do, I thought it was my role as a young girl to let boys do what they want. People were talking about me for weeks after for what I had done (there was no mention of him). My boyfriend would complain to me if I didn't have sex with him so there were many times he would have sex with me while I was lying underneath him, feeling helpless. I loved getting my period because it meant it wouldn't happen. The world needs consent education.


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It was after our year 10 formal in 2020, where there was a massive afters party at one of the girl's houses. I was drunk and a guy from X (who was a friend at the time), led me up to one of the rooms for me to rest in. I woke up the next morning with my panties and bra off.


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When I was 16 I worked with an older boy. He would make disgusting sexual comments to all the girls at work including asking if we had threesomes, saying he would love to see us double team it and say that's what she said to any comment that someone said that was remotely sexual when taken out of context. He was also the team leader of the organisation and was my superior. On shift he would walk past me and touch my butt, pretending that it was an accident because he had to squeeze past. Eventually I told the managers, along with some other girls, and they just moved his shifts so they weren't on at the same time. He continued to work here for 3 years without any action taken.


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My friend's brother has stopped catching the bus with her because other boys in his year have started to make sexual jokes about her, insulting her appearance and commenting on her body etc. He has asked them numerous times to stop but they tell him he needs to 'lighten up' and 'can't take a harmless joke'. He hasn't even told her what they've said, because it's that vulgar. While I know this is not sexual assault, I do believe it's still harmful behaviour. It made my friend's brother extremely uncomfortable and it's just so frustrating to think neither she or he can really do anything about it. Stuff like this happens all the time. We need to stop accepting this as normal.


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There was a kid from a school i had briefly attended who was in year 9 at the time who was known as 'a bad boy' and had picked up a few girls before who one day AT SCHOOL he decided he would lead a girl to behind the storage and forced her to give him a hand job and repeatedly said 'this is for me' to this girl who was distraught and just kept on going so he wouldn't hit her (he had done before) when the story came out instead of the school addressing the issue of consent they swept the story under the carpet and THE GIRL GOT SUSPENDED SHE WAS ASSAULTED AND THEY IGNORED HER AND SUSPENDED HER


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I once passed out at a party and woke up in a dark room with a penis in my mouth. at the time I asked who is this and what were they doing, my boyfriend at the time then slapped me and told me 'it's your boyfriend you fucking slut'. Almost 6 years later I have now developed a fear of sleeping in the dark and oral sex. A few years later I started bringing it up to my friends that that had happened to me. No one believed me because 'he's a nice guy'. The thing is I genuinely do not think he realised what he was doing was sexual assault, because to him I was his girlfriend and we had sex all the time. That's why It is so important that boys are educated from an early age as I don't think that would of happened to me if that boy knew what he was really doing.


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I was at a party and very drunk. He led me onto the parents boat. I said no.. a lot. He told me he would push me off the boat unless I let him have sex with me. Eventually I just let him. He told everyone I fucked him and another guy at the same time in front of people.


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When I was at schoolies I was hooking up with a friend and he was wanting to have sex which I repeatedly said no that I didn't want to have sex with him. He said fine and we went back to just kissing, he grabbed a condom and I said again that I didn't want to have sex with him but this time he didn't take no for an answer. I haven't seen him since.


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I was assaulted by my Year 9 boyfriend. When I came forward about my story months later after realising from a youtube video that I had been raped, I was laughed at by my peers and labelled a liar by his friends. I still struggle with it till this day, I do believe if consent was more openly discussed, things would have gone differently and i wouldn't have been so shunned.


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I was with a group of people and we were intoxicated, after everyone left it was just me and another boy that was 3 years older than me, I was unaware of what was going on, i was sitting on a couch he pulled my head to his and "kissed" me then took my shirt and bra off and started squeezing my breasts and when told him to stop and to leave he told me "i'm fine" and i told him to leave and i was really tried and that i wanted to go to bed and he proceeded to follow me to my bed room (i was unaware he followed) and got on top of me in the bed and started to "kiss" me again and when i told him to stop repeatedly he would just say "it's fine i will be gone by morning" he then put his hand into my pants and then between my legs then took his pants and undies off and took take mine off and started to take my undies off, only when i started to yell at him he finally stopped. The next day I told two of my friends that were with me and when they questioned him he told them I was lying and attention seeking and that he left when every one else left, i only ever told a few of my friends and my sister, he told a lot of people but instead of the truth he said it never happened and i was a lying attention seeker, i thought it would never affect me in the long run but it does, i get flashbacks about it all the time but more and more often.


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My first boyfriend would give me the silent treatment when I didn't agree to sex. It just became practice that I would just let him have sex with me in the morning cause it was the easier way to get on with the day. He also used to grab my boobs without prompting and when I would tell him it made me uncomfortable he would make me feel unreasonable and say "well I guess I'll just never touch you sexually again"


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I was 15 and with my first boyfriend, I was a virgin (never had penetrative sex). We had talked about having sex and I had expressed I was open to it in the future but not ready yet. I said I didn't want to have sex that day because it was much too early, too soon and it didn't feel special at all. That same night he pressured me into having sex with him, was so relentless about it that it was easier to just do it than not and continue facing the harassment . I said no 10-15 times until giving in. I felt like he was entitled to me as his girlfriend and that I owed him something. I now realise this situation was extremely manipulated and he completely disregarded my consent, and that this was actually a form of sexual assault.


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I was dating a boy from X when I was 14, I wasn't ready to have sex and I was willing to perform other sex acts so he would stop pressuring me. However, he was telling all his friends that we were having sex 24/7. I didn't find out until after we had broken up and one of his friends told me that they have been laughing and talking about how slutty I am behind my back for months.


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At a gathering with people from my year group and some older, I was staying the night. I woke up to a graduated 19 year old with his hands down my pants telling me to 'shhhh'. I told his friends the next day and they said 'that's just what he is like'. I was 16.


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I had consensual sex with a guy who had graduated from a private boy's school. During it, he stopped and started slapping me really hard. I asked him to stop and he refused, telling me that he liked causing pain and he pinned my arms down so that I couldn't push him off. He later did something else of a similar nature and sent me unsolicited pictures.


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Although the original campaign has achieved its goal, we have decided to keep testimony submissions open. We hope you find solidarity, liberation or healing in anonymously telling your story.

Thank you for submitting your testimony. We are sorry to hear of your experience and the impact this has had on you.

As we are unable to provide formal or ongoing support, you may wish to seek professional support. 1800RESPECT, the national domestic, family, and sexual violence counselling, information and support service can be contacted on 1800 737 732  or via their website at, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. Details of other support services are included on Teach Us Consent’s website on the 'support' page.
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